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Measuring Leadership & Personality 

Throughout the program, we took various personality and leadership style tests. These tests each offered helpful insights into our strengths, values and characteristics in a leadership setting.   


Discussing these results as a group and with the German students was a great way to see how different we all were. It was a lesson that our future teams and organizations will be similarly diverse, and we must approach leadership anticipating these differences and adapting to them

results from first week of program 

results from last week of program 

Intercultural Effectiveness Scale


Individuals who receive high scores on Social Capital, are better able to build trusting relationships with
people who are different from them. They are...


- effective leaders and diplomats 

- good listeners, at ease in conversations with other

- able to bring divergent views together 
- develop consensus among different parties.

A high score signifies the ability to show empathy, and emotionally connect to people from other parts of the
world. It reflects the ability to engage others and to have an extensive network of friends and colleagues in
different countries.




Individuals with high scores on Intellectual Capital tend to be very knowledgeable about their global industry. They understand...


- how the industry operates

- how global competitors generate competitive advantage

- how global customer markets behave

- how competitors target their markets

- supply chain options & issues in their industry 

- country risk analysis in global decision making.


A high score on Intellectual Capital reflects strong understanding of culture, history, geography, and political and economic systems in different parts of the world. It also reflects the ability to understand the complexity of global business and the ability to find appropriate solutions to complex problems.

Individuals who score high on Psychological Capital, tend to have a passion for diversity which leads them to...
- enjoy exploring other parts of the world, other cultures, and other ways of doing things.

- enjoy meeting people from other countries and living in other corners of the world

- consider themselves as citizens of the world

- enjoy the opportunity to learn about other cultures and peoples


A high score reflects a high level of self confidence, a sense of humor, and a willingness to take risks. It reflects a desire to challenge oneself and the ability to thrive in unpredictable and complex environments.



- emphasize rationality, analysis, logic, facts, and data

-  believe strongly in clear structure & well-developed management systems

- thinks clearly, makes the right decisions, has good analytic skills, and can design structures and systems that get the job done



- emphasize the importance of people 

-  the central task: develop a good fit between people and organizations.

- believe  in the importance of coaching, participation, motivation, teamwork, and good interpersonal relations

-a facilitator and participative manager who supports and empowers others.




- believe that managers & leaders live in conflict and scarce resources

- essential task: mobilize resources to advocate & fight for the organization’s goals and objectives

- emphasize importance of building a power base: allies, networks, coalitions

- an advocate and negotiator; understands politics and is comfortable with conflict



- essential task: provide vision and inspiration

- rely on personal charisma and a flair for drama to get people excited and committed

- prophet and visionary --> uses symbols, tells stories

- give people hope and meaning.

frames final.png
percentile scores.png

the highest score is my primary leadership orientation 

Bolman and Deal Four Frames 

Meyers-Briggs Personality Test: INFP "the Mediator"

Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting

Management Styles Assessment:


Charismatic Guru

where p=producer, a=administrator, e=entrepreneur and i=integrator capital letters indicate strong areas

Clifton Strengths Test 


Adaptability, Empathy, Maximizer, Developer, Arranger 


Blue = Relationship building 

Orange = Influencing 

Purple: Executing 


What do these results mean? 


I initially doubted the need for intellectual capital in global mindset. I thought that interpersonal skills associated with social and psychological capital were far more important. However, I realized that this opinion was because it was what I most lacked as leader, and tend to overlook. I believe I have the most room for growth in the intellectual capital area, and cultivating this will lead to a more structured leadership style as well. 


My test results clearly indicate that my leadership style is geared towards building relationships and cultivating strengths in other people. Although this is a strength of mine, I must be careful to develop leadership skills in other areas so that this doesn't become a weakness. 


I specifically need to consider a more structured approach to leadership more often, as this was absent in every test result. I am driven by my emotions, which makes it easy for me to connect with others. Unfortunately, my preference for flexibility and going with my gut causes me to ignore when structure, logic, and analysis may be necessary. 


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