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Innsbruck, Austria

Innsbruck was by far my favorite location that we visited! The beautiful view of the Alps was hard to get over, and I found myself walking home more often than I had at the other locations. 


Our second week of PRT 359 was a lot more leadership focused. Our week in Munich was geared toward the sport industry, and we transitioned to discussing inclusive leadership and protecting our colleagues in the workplace. We also took the Bolman and Deal Four-Frame Leadership test. You can see my results here


Innsbruck Sport Economy and Management Symposium


One of our optional assignments was to go to a symposium, or seminar with various presentations related to sports and the economy. I attended a few presentations, but there was one that stuck out to me most. 


The research sought to answer the question "Which impact did the corona crisis have on the Social Media Communication in professional soccer/football?" 


I was captivated by this presentation. The student touched on subjects I had been learning in my media classes, so everything felt familiar and digestible. Analyzing social media and its popularity, especially during COVID, has become a popular topic in many of my classes. While listening to this presentation, I realized that there is an opportunity for me to incorporate parks, recreation and tourism into my career as a journalist or media-maker. I hadn't seen myself in this field before, but after this class, I was fascinated by how many people groups are affected by the leadership and decisions of organizations in PRT. I left this course feeling inspired and motivated to keep up with the issues and news surrounding this field. 



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